Time to Remove a Major Barrier to Homeownership

Let’s End the Reliance on Traditional Credit Scores that Exclude Otherwise Qualified Buyers

There are millions of aspiring homeowners who do not yet have an established credit history. Why? Because they primarily managed their finances with cash.

While these Americans are otherwise capable of buying a home and paying a monthly mortgage, they face a significant obstacle in the homebuying process: they do not qualify for a mortgage because they do not have an established credit history – a problem that could be solved with the adoption of alternative credit score models that use different criteria to calculate credit worthiness.

It’s time for our elected officials to act. Add your name to our petition if you agree.

Petition to Elected Officials:

“It’s time for our elected officials to permit federally regulated entities in the housing finance market to allow the use of established alternative credit scoring models to qualify financially sound, aspiring homeowners who do not yet have an established credit history. By doing so, we will make the dream of homeownership attainable for the first time for millions of Americans.”</>

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